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add(LineRange) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.LineRanges
Adds a line range to the collection.


BracketsStructureCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks node/closing brackets to be the last symbols on the line.
BracketsStructureCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.BracketsStructureCheck


CascadeIndentationCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Make sure each line indentation is either: the same as previous one or less bigger than previous by exactly 4 All other cases must cause a failure.
CascadeIndentationCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.CascadeIndentationCheck
CheckstyleValidator - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Validator with Checkstyle.
CheckstyleValidator(Environment) - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.CheckstyleValidator
clear() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.LineRanges
Clears the collection.
com.qulice.checkstyle - package com.qulice.checkstyle
Checkstyle checks.
ConditionalRegexpMultilineCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Performs multiline regexp match only if a regexp condition passes.
ConditionalRegexpMultilineCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.ConditionalRegexpMultilineCheck
ConstantUsageCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks that constant, declared as private field of class is used more than once.
ConstantUsageCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.ConstantUsageCheck
CurlyBracketsStructureCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks node/closing curly brackets to be the last symbols on the line.
CurlyBracketsStructureCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.CurlyBracketsStructureCheck


DiamondOperatorCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks if possible to use Diamond operator in generic instances creation.
DiamondOperatorCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.DiamondOperatorCheck


EmptyLinesCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Check for empty lines inside methods and constructors.
EmptyLinesCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.EmptyLinesCheck


FinalSemicolonInTryWithResourcesCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks that try-with-resources does not end with a semicolon.
FinalSemicolonInTryWithResourcesCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.FinalSemicolonInTryWithResourcesCheck
finishTree(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.EmptyLinesCheck
first() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.LineRange
Get the alpha line number.


getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.BracketsStructureCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.ConstantUsageCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.CurlyBracketsStructureCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.DiamondOperatorCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.EmptyLinesCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.FinalSemicolonInTryWithResourcesCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.JavadocEmptyLineCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.JavadocLocationCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.JavadocTagsCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.MethodBodyCommentsCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.MethodsOrderCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.MultilineJavadocTagsCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.NoJavadocForOverriddenMethodsCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.NonStaticMethodCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.ProtectedMethodInFinalClassCheck
getDefaultTokens() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.StringLiteralsConcatenationCheck


ImportCohesionCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Check if import lines are all together without any empty lines or comments.
ImportCohesionCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.ImportCohesionCheck
init() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.JavadocTagsCheck
inRange(int) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.LineRanges
Detects if the given line number is within any of the line ranges.
iterator() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.LineRanges
Returns an iterator for this collection.


JavadocEmptyLineCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Check for empty line at the beginning and at the end of Javadoc.
JavadocEmptyLineCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.JavadocEmptyLineCheck
JavadocLocationCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks that there is no empty line between a javadoc and it's subject.
JavadocLocationCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.JavadocLocationCheck
JavadocTagsCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Check if the class/interface javadoc contains properly formatted author and version tags.
JavadocTagsCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.JavadocTagsCheck


last() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.LineRange
Get the omega line number.
LineRange - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Represent a line range.
LineRange(int, int) - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.LineRange
Default constructor.
LineRanges - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Represents a set of LineRange objects.
LineRanges() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.LineRanges


MethodBodyCommentsCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks method bodies for comments.
MethodBodyCommentsCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.MethodBodyCommentsCheck
MethodsOrderCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks the order of methods declaration.
MethodsOrderCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.MethodsOrderCheck
MultilineJavadocTagsCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Check indents in multi line JavaDoc tags.
MultilineJavadocTagsCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.MultilineJavadocTagsCheck


name() - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.CheckstyleValidator
NoJavadocForOverriddenMethodsCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks that there is no Javadoc for inherited methods.
NoJavadocForOverriddenMethodsCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.NoJavadocForOverriddenMethodsCheck
NonStaticMethodCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks that non static method must contain at least one reference to this.
NonStaticMethodCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.NonStaticMethodCheck


processFiltered(File, List<String>) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.CascadeIndentationCheck
processFiltered(File, List<String>) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.ConditionalRegexpMultilineCheck
processFiltered(File, List<String>) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.ImportCohesionCheck
ProtectedMethodInFinalClassCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks that final class doesn't contain protected methods.
ProtectedMethodInFinalClassCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.ProtectedMethodInFinalClassCheck


setCondition(String) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.ConditionalRegexpMultilineCheck
Condition regexp that has to match before checking the core one.
setExcludeFileNamePattern(String) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.NonStaticMethodCheck
Exclude files matching given pattern.
StringLiteralsConcatenationCheck - Class in com.qulice.checkstyle
Checks for not using concatenation of string literals in any form.
StringLiteralsConcatenationCheck() - Constructor for class com.qulice.checkstyle.StringLiteralsConcatenationCheck


validate(Collection<File>) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.CheckstyleValidator
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.BracketsStructureCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.ConstantUsageCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.CurlyBracketsStructureCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.DiamondOperatorCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.EmptyLinesCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.FinalSemicolonInTryWithResourcesCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.JavadocEmptyLineCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.JavadocLocationCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.JavadocTagsCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.MethodBodyCommentsCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.MethodsOrderCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.MultilineJavadocTagsCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.NoJavadocForOverriddenMethodsCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.NonStaticMethodCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.ProtectedMethodInFinalClassCheck
visitToken(DetailAST) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.StringLiteralsConcatenationCheck


within(int) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.LineRange
Is the given line number within range.
within(LineRange) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.LineRange
Is the given range entirely within the LineRange.
within(LineRanges) - Method in class com.qulice.checkstyle.LineRanges
Gets the subset of LineRanges that are within all given ranges.
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